

Date: 02.08.2024

Business Group – Cybersecurity


The Challenge

A leading Mexican business group, with business units that covers from banking to retail, was facing a challenges around the security of its financial transactions due to:

  1. New regulatory requirements
  2. A 35% increase in cyberattacks in Mexico in 2018 vs the previous year

The Linko Way

Linko worked along with our parter Thales to implement a new Key Management System Solution (KSM) to:

  • Update the client’s tech platform and make it complaint with the new regulation
  • Reinforce its defense against external attack
  • All with a focus on a fast delivery, easiness to implement and operate by our client.

The Results

  • 6 weeks to deploy the new KSM sytem
  • 2 cybersecurity legacy systems decomisioned without impact in the operations
  • 10% operating cost savings

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